< Baby J: Obama. Hooray hooray. Right?

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Obama. Hooray hooray. Right?

So obama won. Everyones happy. And the world has changed. Right? So I guess that means that next year the people dying daily in iraq and afgahnistan won't be dying any more? I guess this means that my mates in the bronx and brooklyn that are broke, won't be broke next year? That next year america won't have the highest prison population in the world, one third of which is black even though only 18% of the population is black? I guess next year that america won't be backing the isrealis in persecuting the palestinians? I guess next year obama will have taken the vast wealth of the richest americans and redistributed it amongst americas poorest? Or could it be that we all just got excited because he had a black face? That the white man in amerikkka let a black man be the face of the system. Could it be we got carried away because he used the word 'change' a lot? Because he was the better choice out of two shit options? Could it be we never really had a choice in the first place? Let's hope I'm wrong. Let's hope I'm synical and jaded. Because if I'm not, if I'm right, and obama is a more fashionable face on the same beast. Then we all in the same shit today, that we were in yesterday.
Its time for revolution.


Blogger Rodone Dimbas said...

i agree...
i don't speak english so much, but i feel the words...

much respect from Brazil...

1 December 2008 at 21:45  

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